get component missing assembly reference?

no idea what I have missed here simple getcomponet to toggle on of script…

error CS0246: The type or namespace name `shipengines’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

	public RaycastHit Hit;
	public shipengines ShipEngines;

	void LateUpdate () {

		if (ThrustersOn == false) {
			//toggle off ship engines.
			ShipEngines = this.gameObject.GetComponent<ShipEngine> ();
			ShipEngines.endabled = false;

You did not properly declare/use the ShipEngines variable.

public ShipEngines shipengines;
         void LateUpdate () {
             if (ThrustersOn == false) {
                 //toggle off ship engines.
                 shipengines = this.gameObject.GetComponent<ShipEngine> ();
                 shipengines.enabled = false;