Get Cross Platform Input data ?

Hi, I am trying to get the crossplatform input data to play the animations on my mobile game.

First I thought it was related to the normal Input which is accessible with Input.GetAxis…

But from what I could see it uses something different…
I am using a Joystick and a Touchpad, but I think they work differently… I am not sure how though.

I am a bit confused, if someone could enlighten me about this… I would be glad.

I couldn’t find any documentation, maybe because i am using one of the default assets given by Unity 5.0 which is called Character Controller. Ans it is too recent.

Your help would be very appreciated :slight_smile:

Among the Standard Assets you will find a package called CrossPlatformInputGuidelines. If you import it, it will have “CrossPlatformInputGuidelines” in it. Try getting that working in an empty scene by following the instructions. Once you know how to add and retrieve input, go back to your real scene. If you have any more specific questions, you can ask, but we will probably need to see code examples and a detailed explanation of what you’re trying to do.

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