Hello !
I looked for a while here and I can’t find a solution to my problem :
I got some files in a subfolder in resources. At runtime, I want to dynamically create some list according to the files name.
On editor no problem here.
But I can’t find any solution on android because WWW can’t access to a directory, it works only when we have the full path (and i can’t do that here because it would be the opposite of what I’m trying to do).
Anyway, is this true ? I only see old post, is there a new unity solution to getFiles from directory on android ?
If not, I think that I can get the file’s list before building on Android.
But I don’t want to launch a first time on editor, list everything in a new file and then build on android with this file included, because the list can change at each build …
So, is that possible to write code on pre processor ? I mean, when i click on File > Build & run, is it possible to launch a script that stored my files name and after build on Android with that new file / list.
I don’t know if i make myself clear, tell me
Thanks for reading, hope someone already thought about that.