Hello, I just noticed that Drive forces don’t count when you do joint.currentForce
seems the drive forces are ignored
this seems like a bug, but if it isn’t, there should be a better way to get the forces
there are too many steps for getting the Force involved only in the damp
since I need to track everybody relative velocity change, their mass their distances and compare with the new ones to try to get what force has been applied in the frame, if the joint is calculating the force needed there should be a way to get it from property like current force, that would be awesome to be able to get the currentSpringForce or currentDampForce since DriveForces are spring+damp, even just a currentDriveForce would make the life easier
Joint.currentForce returns the net force applied to the rigidbody. For example, if a joint is applying a ton of force but the rigidbody is steady (no velocity changes), Joint.currentForce will return zero. Same with Joint.currentTorque. As far as I know this is by design in PhysX.
As far as I have been testing, it calculates the force being applied to the object,
I use a custom physic interaction solution for VR and when I take an object with a fixed joint it doesn’t move, but it shows the force being applied (even if it doesn’t move)
But that’s not the problem, currently, that works nice for me,
The main problem is the drive forces, these forces don’t show up, currentForce is limited to joint limits, meaning if you’re inside the limits, even if applying spring force with noticeable effect, drive forces are not counted in any case
Oh! This is interesting. I’ll review my Joint setups and get back to you. Last time I checked I didn’t got any value in the applied forces/torques unless the rigidbody is moving.