Get forward direction of face hitted by Raycast.

Hi all. I want to get forward direction (Vector3) of face, that I hitted by Raycast. Like transform.forward but not forward of transform but forward of face (or tris). I’m using C#.
If you need additional info, please ask.

EDIT2: What I mean by ‘face forward’. Ex.: When You select Transform on scene (and have axis selected on ‘Local’), You see blue arrow indicating Z axis - object forward. I need the same but for face.

EDIT1: Here is some code, hope that will give you better look at what i need.

RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray;
Transform t;

void Update()
    if(Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100))
      clone = Intantiate(t, hit.point, Quaternion.identity)

Thanks in advance,

You don’t provide your code, so I’m unsure of what info you need. In order to find the direction of the face, you need to use a form of Raycast() that takes a RaycastHit parameter. Then you can use the RaycastHit.normal to find the normal to the face. Depending on what you define as ‘forward’ you may need to negate the value.