Get Gameobject Element from List in other Script and place it in current Script

Hey. So, i have a gameobject CameraRig with a Script CameraControl.cs and a Game.cs Script

in the CameraRig is this variable:

public GameObject[] m_Spawnpoints;	

and i want to put in my Game.cs the var

public GameObject Spawnpoint1;

for this i wanted get the first Element of the m_Spawnpoints List from the CameraRig list like this:

GameObject.Find("CameraRig").GetComponent<CameraControl>().m_Spawnpoints[1] = Spawnpoint1;

and put it in the Spawnpoint1
. but the Script above doesent work, why?
this seams to be also wrong

Spawnpoint1 = GameObject.Find("CameraRig").GetComponent<CameraControl>().m_Spawnpoints[1]:



I’m going to assume that ‘m_Spawnpoints’ has been allocated, either by setting it up the inspector or some other code.

In that case I’d suggest the problem is you are accessing ‘m_Spawnpoints[1]’, but arrays start at 0. So the first element would be m_Spawnpoints[0].

To copy the value in the first element of the m_Spawnpoints array into Spawnpoint1, you would do:

Spawnpoint1 = GameObject.Find("CameraRig").GetComponent<CameraControl>().m_Spawnpoints[0];

I’m assuming that’s your problem. I’ll need more info than ‘doesnt work’ to help further :slight_smile: