I’d like to show a different scene on startup of the game if the user has either CTRL button held down when the first scene is loaded. Right now I have it checking for GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) and the same for the right in Start, however, it doesn’t seem to detect anything.
void Start()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl))
Debug.Log("START: Control Held");
// Load Secret Scene here
If I need to do it in Update, how do I make sure that if they press/hold CTRL it doesn’t load the secret scene after the first frames?
At Time == 0 this might be tricky. You probably do need to wait a second or so. The button has to actually go down only after Unity’s engine is up and running for business. You could show a splash screen in that first scene to cue the user that they can hold CTRL, and then give them a second or two.