The standard terminology is to call those nodes “leaves”.
Sounds like you need a recursive function that traverses the tree of game objects, adding leaves to the array. Something like the following, but I have not compiled or tested this:
function FindLeaves(var parent : Transform, var leafArray : Array)
if (transform.childCount == 0)
for (var child : Transform in transform)
FindLeaves(child, leafArray);
You would call this function by passing in the root gameObject and an empty array.
Note: when debugging recursive functions if you make a mistake and get an infinite loop you can lock up Unity, unless you are running the scripts in a source level debugger like Mono or Visual Studio. So save your work before pressing Play.
You could use a recursive function like the one below to traverse the object hierarchy, identify each last child and add it to the List:
import System.Collections.Generic;
static var lastChildren = new List.< Transform>;
static function GetLastChildren(trf: Transform){
if (trf.parent && trf.childCount == 0){ // if this is a last child...
lastChildren.Add(trf); // add it to the array
} else { // but if not a last child...
// verify all of its children (if any):
for (var child: Transform in trf.transform){
To get the last children of some object, pass its transform to this function:
NOTE: I have little experience with List, thus there may exist some stupid error in the code!