Get Last Value

Hey, all!

I need to tell if my character is moving uphill or downhill and change the speed accordingly. However, when I debug my values, the normal of the last measurement is ALWAYS identical to the normal of the current one. Is there something wrong with my code?

Thanks!- YA

	void Align( Transform player, RaycastHit2D hit ){
		float groundAngle = Vector3.Angle ( Vector3.up, hit.normal);
		Debug.Log ( "Last angle was: " + lastAngle );
		Debug.Log ("This angle is: " + groundAngle );
		if( groundAngle < angleLimit ){
			//Align player to surface norma
			player.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation ( Vector3.up, hit.normal );

			float newSpeed = moveSpeed + ((groundAngle/angleLimit)*Mathf.Sign( groundAngle*lastAngle ))*speedFlux;
			transform.Translate( newSpeed*Time.deltaTime*Input.GetAxisRaw ("Horizontal"), 0, 0);

			//Move player
			Vector3 newPos = new Vector3( transform.position.x, hit.point.y-0.1f, transform.position.z);
			//Stick to face on y axis
			transform.position = newPos;
			lastAngle = groundAngle;
			Debug.Log ( "New speed is: " + newSpeed );
		else Debug.Log("POOP");

You might want to move lastAngle = groundAngle; to after the if statement.

Once lastAngle and groundAngle are the same (and this will happen if there is no movement between frames) lastAngle will never change.

Another option is to consider coroutines and having a several frame delay between checks.