Get list of Addressable Names

I’ve read through the documentation several times, but I’m struggling to find a way to get a list of Addressable Names at runtime. Even if I have n AssetReference I can’t find a way to get the Addressable name.

I can get a list of all addressables for a matching Label, but this just retrurns a list of GameObjects which don’t seem to have any way to get their addressable name even when they are marked as addressable.

I feel like this should be simple, so maybe I’m overlooking something?

If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated!

Basically I have some GameObjects instanced in the scene and I need to check if they are in the Addressable list, and if they are I need to store the Addressable name so they can be loaded from Addressables at a later time.

LoadResourcesLocationsAsync (something like that) with the label will get you a list of IResourceLocation, which contains the RuntimeKey (the address) for each one.

Thank I’ll give that a try. I was trying RuntimeKey from an AssetReference but it was actually returning the AssetGUID instead of the Addressable name. Should it actually be returning the name instead of the GUID?

Was doing it in the editor so don’t know if that is cause issues, as I’m aware some stuff seems to work differently at runtime with Addressables.