Get list of connected clients in Mirror

So I’m starting to look into different ways of handling multiplayer. I started with this basic tutorial:
It seems to work fine, but I’ve read some suggestions about using Mirror instead of MLAPI so I decided to give it a go.
I’ve been looking for several minutes and I can’t seem to find a way to get a list of connected clients from NetworkManager.singleton…
In MLAPI you can get it with:


Seems such a basic feature. Is there a simple way to do this with Mirror? Or do I have to keep my own list and update it every time a client connects/disconnects?

There seem to be other NetowrkManagers out there, like Photon…
What are the differences between each of the options out there?


I found this unanswered question before I found the answer you should use
(field) static Dictionary<int, NetworkConnectionToClient> NetworkServer.connections
Dictionary of all server connections, with connectionId as key