Get name of mapped key with new input system?

if I wanted to display “Press [space] to open door”, where [space] is the name of the mapped key, is this possible with the new input system? So depending on what the user has this bound to, it could say “Press E to open door” or “Press X button to open door”?


inputAction is your inputAction, X is the index of the binding.

See also Input Bindings | Input System | 1.0.2, Actions | Input System | 1.0.2

I hope I was not too concise.

Thank you so much, I’ll try that!

Is it possible to find a binding index by the active inputcontrol scheme?

Say I have inputAction.bindings[0].name for a gamepad, and inputAction.bindings[1].name for keyboard, how would I return the correct binding without hardcoding the x index?

For anyone stumbling upon this the answer is here:
Link to doc
In short, action.GetBindingDisplayString();


A little late but for anyone who stumbles upon this I found a solution.

PlayerInput playerInput;

private void Start()
        playerInput = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerInput>(); //Just my code to get the player input action map.
        Debug.Log(playerInput.currentActionMap.FindAction("Jump").GetBindingDisplayString(0)); // Replace the "Jump with the name of the action you have in your action map and the GetBindingDisplayString(0) the 0 is the order in the array of keybinds set to the action, so 0 will be the first one"