Get object child list with tag

Is there any way to get child list with tag, for example something like that (where Parent is object, from which one I’m trying to get child list with tag):


Its not working, its just example from GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(“Respawn”)); but I need something similar to it.

Need to get child list in array, that are tagged in one object.


 import System.Linq;

 var arrayOfChildren = parentGameObject.transform.Cast.<Transform>().Where(function(c){ return c.gameObject.tag == "Child";}).ToArray();


using System.Linq;

var arrayOfChildren = parentGameObject.transform.Cast<Transform>().Where(c=>c.gameObject.tag == "Child").ToArray();

you would probably want to use List for anything run-time, Array can be inflexible.

    using System.Collections.Generic;
List<GameObject> gingers;

    void ILikeGingers() {
    	//grab all the kids and only keep the ones with ginger tags
    	Transform[] allChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
    	foreach (Transform child in allChildren) {
    		if (child.gameObject.tag == "Ginger") {