Get original bone position before IK position is set

I use OnAnimatorIK to apply some IK corrections to my character Walk animation and I want to know if it is possible, inside the OnAnimatorIK method, to get the position that a specific joint should have at the current animation frame, if I had never set any IK correction to it.

I tried to read the transform of the joint at the OnAnimatorMove method, but it is already changed because the IK correction is applied from the previous frame.

I also tried to set IK weight to zero and then try to read some values but nothing gave me the result I wanted.

I would like to clarify first, because you mentioned

, did you use the IK API provided by Unity (such as SetIKPosition()) in your OnAnimatorIK(), or did you do some custom processing?

Yes, I use SetIKPosition and SetIKRotation at OnAnimatorIK in order to move the foot joints.

Sadly I don’t have a solution, but I’d like to know as well. I ran into the same problem with Unity’s own Animation Rigging package (3 years ago actually), so I’m all ears :slight_smile: