Hi, i need a script that will allow the player to use GUI to enter a server I.P and Port then they can connect. Or create their own.
(#)pragma strict //take away the brackets
(#)pragma implicit
(#)pragma downcast</p>
<p>var connectToIP : String = "";
var connectPort : int = 25001;</p>
<p>//Obviously the GUI is for both client&servers (mixed!)
function OnGUI ()
<pre>`if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Disconnected){
//We are currently disconnected: Not a client or host
GUILayout.Label("Connection status: Disconnected");
connectToIP = GUILayout.TextField(connectToIP, GUILayout.MinWidth(100));
connectPort = parseInt(GUILayout.TextField(connectPort.ToString()));
if (GUILayout.Button ("Connect as client"))
//Connect to the "connectToIP" and "connectPort" as entered via the GUI
//Ignore the NAT for now
Network.Connect(connectToIP, connectPort);
if (GUILayout.Button ("Start Server"))
//Start a server for 32 clients using the "connectPort" given via the GUI
//Ignore the nat for now
Network.InitializeServer(32, connectPort);
//We've got a connection(s)!
if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Connecting){
GUILayout.Label("Connection status: Connecting");
} else if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Client){
GUILayout.Label("Connection status: Client!");
GUILayout.Label("Ping to server: "+Network.GetAveragePing( Network.connections[0] ) );
} else if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Server){
GUILayout.Label("Connection status: Server!");
GUILayout.Label("Connections: "+Network.connections.length);
GUILayout.Label("Ping to first player: "+Network.GetAveragePing( Network.connections[0] ) );
if (GUILayout.Button ("Disconnect"))
// NONE of the functions below is of any use in this demo, the code below is only used for demonstration. // First ensure you understand the code in the OnGUI() function above.
//Client functions called by Unity function OnConnectedToServer() { Debug.Log("This CLIENT has connected to a server"); }
function OnDisconnectedFromServer(info : NetworkDisconnection) { Debug.Log("This SERVER OR CLIENT has disconnected from a server"); }
function OnFailedToConnect(error: NetworkConnectionError){ Debug.Log("Could not connect to server: "+ error); }
//Server functions called by Unity function OnPlayerConnected(player: NetworkPlayer) { Debug.Log("Player connected from: " + player.ipAddress +":" + player.port); }
function OnServerInitialized() { Debug.Log("Server initialized and ready"); }
function OnPlayerDisconnected(player: NetworkPlayer) { Debug.Log("Player disconnected from: " + player.ipAddress+":" + player.port); }
// OTHERS: // To have a full overview of all network functions called by unity // the next four have been added here too, but they can be ignored for now
function OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer(info: NetworkConnectionError){ Debug.Log("Could not connect to master server: "+ info); }
function OnNetworkInstantiate (info : NetworkMessageInfo) { Debug.Log("New object instantiated by " + info.sender); }
function OnSerializeNetworkView(stream : BitStream, info : NetworkMessageInfo) { //Custom code here (your code!) }
/* The last networking functions that unity calls are the RPC functions. As we've added "OnSerializeNetworkView", you can't forget the RPC functions that unity calls..however; those are up to you to implement.
@RPC function MyRPCKillMessage(){ //Looks like I have been killed! //Someone send an RPC resulting in this function call } */ ` Please Help me!