Get player to rotate towards object on GetKeyUp

So When my character is within a certain distance of a tree, and then pushes the E key, I want him to look at the tree. But I can’t figure out how to get it to work. I know the code to get it to rotate towards it, but when I use “Input.GetKeyUp(Keycode.E)”, then it will only rotate for 1 frame and not finish. How can I get it to rotate until it’s done? Basically I want it to overpower the regular player movement controls. Here is the code:

void ChopWood() {
		Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.position - player.position);
		Movement mo = (Movement)player.GetComponent("Movement"); //This is just used to access the speed it should rotate
		if (distance < 5 && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) {
				player.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(player.rotation, lookRotation, mo.rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

(player is the player’s transform, and distance is the distance between the player and the tree)

Because you are using a key press, the rotation only happens in the same frame where you pressed the key.

Either hold the key :stuck_out_tongue: (should work with your current code).

Or crate an if statement.

something like:

if(keywaspressd) {
player.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(player.rotation, lookRotation, mo.rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

And set keywaspressd to true when you press the key.