I have been playing around with Performance Testing Extension:
The framework is quite interesting and useful.
But, can I somehow take the results to make a test with them?
This code is from the example project:
public IEnumerator RealtimeLighting_Directional()
yield return SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(realTimeLightingDirectionalTestSceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
// Instantiate performance test object in scene
var renderPerformanceTest = SetupPerfTest<DynamicRenderPerformanceMonoBehaviourTest>();
// allow time to settle before taking measurements
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(SettleTimeSeconds);
// use ProfilerMarkers API from Performance Test Extension
using (Measure.ProfilerMarkers(SamplerNames))
// Set CaptureMetrics flag to TRUE; let's start capturing metrics
renderPerformanceTest.component.CaptureMetrics = true;
// Run the MonoBehaviour Test
yield return renderPerformanceTest;
yield return SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(realTimeLightingDirectionalTestSceneName);
](Releases · Unity-Technologies/XRAutomatedTests · GitHub)
For example, imagine I want a test that fails if the fps are below 45 fps
I would like to do something like this:
var minFps = Measure.GetSample("FPS").Min; //GetSample and Min don't exists, just for illustrating the idea
Assert.GreaterOrEqual(45f, minFps);
I know this information has to be somewhere, because it’s printed in the log, probably by ProfilerMeasurement.Dispose
The printed info is this:
RealtimeLighting_Directional (5.444s)
FPS None Median:60.31 Min:30.12 Max:7119.97 Avg:129.99 Std:702.53 Zeroes:0 SampleCount: 100 Sum: 12999.23
Camera.Render Millisecond Median:2.12 Min:0.35 Max:5.21 Avg:2.66 Std:1.22 Zeroes:0 SampleCount: 100 Sum: 266.46
Render.Mesh Millisecond Median:0.00 Min:0.00 Max:0.00 Avg:0.00 Std:0.00 Zeroes:1 SampleCount: 100 Sum: 0.22
AppStartupTime 0.00 Millisecond
ObjectCount 4.00 None
Triangles 6996.00 None
Vertices 2267.00 None
Thank you