Get rigidbody component from a instatiated object

I have a script that uses a rigidbodycomponent, the problem is the rigidbody is not assign at runtime so i dont get the clone rigidbody but the original from the assigned prefab. How do i get the clone rigidbody to assign in the rigidbody slot at runtime insted of the original rigidbody.

If anybody understands that would be great :ok_hand:

You would just need to GetComponent<T> for the rigidbody on the instantiated game object.

Solved it with find object of type.
Problem is now that it seems the script can only hold one rigidbody and when i instatiate more players online there is just one with the driftscore working and all the other players see the score on its screen.

Solve one problem and create 100 more​:rofl::rofl:

Maybe you want to try what I suggested? GetComponent is the correct way to find specific components off of specific game objects.

FindObjectWithType will only find the first one, not to mention be slow.