Get Rotation Around transform.up

how to get the GameObjects rotation around transform.up


im using transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, mouseInput.x); to rotate the GameObject

I dont care is the rotation is a normalized Vector3, quaternion, or float

[EDIT: replaced manual calculation with Vector3.SignedAngle()]


you probably want to look at Vector3.SignedAngle

However, this is actually not easy to answer, because it is not 100% clear, what angle you mean. The angle between what two axes? The problem with the euler representation of rotations by a series of rotations around local axes (like in your illustration), is that there are multiple ways to reach the same result. Check out the gimbal lock problem Gimbal lock - Wikipedia .

I assume you may want the angle Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.foward, transform.forward, transform.up), but I am not sure. Maybe it’s rather Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.foward, transform.forward, Vector3.up) what you want.

Hope this helps.