get screen width and height in world size

Hello everyone,

if i have a game with a resolution 800x600, how to make a condition to check if some object is out of the screen ? in other term i want to convert the 800 and 600 to the transform unit (basically it’s always a small number) i tried doing this :
print (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(800,600,0)));
but the result is always : (0.0, -0.1, -2.8)

thank you

Hm, if you just want to check if the object is visible to the camera, then you can use:



You can also use:



Then you can test the objects bounding box against the camera frustrum.

well, am feeling very bad now :stuck_out_tongue:
i should never code when i need to sleep,
here is what i need :

Vector3 tmpPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (transform.position);
    			if (tmpPos.x > Screen.width ) {
    				Debug.Log ("Destroy");

i don’t know why i kept asking for screen conversion,
thank you all

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// Update camera near plane world coords.
/// This could be repurposed to handle camera occlusion 
/// Directing some event (such as moving the camera) to occur 
/// rather than the debug messages.
/// </summary>
public class UpdateCameraNearPlaneWorldCoords : MonoBehaviour {

	// properties
	public Camera theCamera;
	public GameObject player;

	Vector3 checkpoint; // player transfrom that we offset from 
	Bounds bounds; // player bounds for positioning sensible check point.
	Vector3	p; // point in space
	Vector3 trajectoryEndPoint; // where we want to check we can see in world space
	Vector3 trajectoryStartPoint; // The "checkpoint" with a useful offset.
	Vector3 trajectory; // the direction of the ray to fire.  ( I invert it here to be fair)

	static RaycastHit hit;  // Stop it needing to be declared a bazzillion times.

	// Helper Method
	static bool CheckIsOccluded (Vector3 trajectoryStartPoint, Vector3 trajectory, Vector3 trajectoryEndPoint)
		// Simply return true or false.  True means we are occluded.
		// We could have used...
		//return Physics.Raycast (trajectoryStartPoint, -trajectory, out hit, Vector3.Distance (trajectoryStartPoint, trajectoryEndPoint));

		//but this makes more sense in this instance
		return Physics.Linecast(trajectoryStartPoint, trajectoryEndPoint, out hit);

	// Use this for initialization if you are networked or something
	void Start () {

		// Could find objects dynamically is we are running NetworkView stuff. via isMine.
		// In this example The PLAYER and CAMERA are simply dragged on to get the reference

		// You might have a mesh filter or w/e - get the right one from the right level (Self/Child).
		bounds = player.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>().sharedMesh.bounds;


	void SetupValuesReadyForCornerCheck (float x, float y)
		p = theCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint (new Vector3 (x, y, theCamera.nearClipPlane));
		trajectoryEndPoint = p;
		trajectory = trajectoryStartPoint - trajectoryEndPoint;
		Debug.DrawLine (trajectoryStartPoint, trajectoryEndPoint,;
	void Update () {

		checkpoint = player.transform.position;

		// Make this be somewhere useful to you. This place is about right for me.
		trajectoryStartPoint = (checkpoint - + (Vector3.up *0.4f) ;


		SetupValuesReadyForCornerCheck (0, Screen.height);

		if (CheckIsOccluded (trajectoryStartPoint, trajectory, trajectoryEndPoint)) {
			//Vector3 targetPosition = hit.point;
			Debug.Log("Occluded Top Left");


		SetupValuesReadyForCornerCheck (0, 0);

		// Check for hit.

		if (CheckIsOccluded (trajectoryStartPoint, trajectory, trajectoryEndPoint)) {
						//Vector3 targetPosition = hit.point;
						Debug.Log ("Occluded Bottom Left");


		SetupValuesReadyForCornerCheck (Screen.width, Screen.height);

		// Check for hit.
		if (CheckIsOccluded (trajectoryStartPoint, trajectory, trajectoryEndPoint)) {
			Debug.Log("Occluded Top Right");


		SetupValuesReadyForCornerCheck (Screen.width,0);

		// Check for hit.
		if (CheckIsOccluded (trajectoryStartPoint, trajectory, trajectoryEndPoint)) {
			//Vector3 targetPosition = hit.point;
			Debug.Log("Occluded Bottom Right");


Is not far off the mark. Could doubtless be more efficient.

if you want to see what is happening drop in a

Debug.DrawLine(trajectoryStartPoint, trajectoryEndPoint,;

Inside the helper occlusion check. (pictured, with some extra GUI texts for clarity)