Get the gameobject that is connected to the script?


So, I'm connecting a script, for applying damage, and the function is on its own script, and I want it to destroy whatever object it is on... (Being a prefab).

So, what I'm wondering is how do you make a line of code that makes the gameobject that the script is connected to to destroy...


if(health <= 0)
//What to put in place of the _'s?

Any help would be great, Thanks, Justin W.

If you want to destroy the immediate gameObject.

It would be

if(health <= 0){

But in the case of killing ennemies, you often want to kill the parent of the object and so it's.

if(health <= 0){

this check the attachments to the transform of the object and go up to the highest one.

PS: The Unity Script reference is very usefull to get to know how the functions are built.

This is much easier than you guys are making it. Just do this:

if(health <= 0)

Or, if you have anything set to a variable you’d like to destroy, use this:

if(health <= 0)

OR, if you are getting the error Cannot delete GameObject to prevent data loss, use this:

if(health <= 0)

This is all it takes…


but I've got to type more to post...

edit, my bad, don't know why I put the '.' there.

to reference the current script component’s calling object do:

var obj: GameObject;
obj= gameObject;

Actually, wouldn't it be gameObject? From the Unity reference :

// Kills the game object
Destroy (gameObject);

// Removes this script instance from the game object
Destroy (this);

// Removes the rigidbody from the game object
Destroy (rigidbody);

// Kills the game object in 5 seconds after loading the object
Destroy (gameObject, 5);

// When the user presses Ctrl, it will remove the script
// named FooScript from the game object
function Update () {
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire1") && GetComponent (FooScript))
Destroy (GetComponent (FooScript));