Get UI Slider Value

I have a UI slider set to react to information from an Arduino. Is there a way to read in the value of the UI slider so that when the slider reaches a certain value I can then use that information in my script to trigger something?

UPDATE: I added the whole code so you can see what it is I may be messing up.

   using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;

public class Sending : MonoBehaviour {

	//int sysHour = System.DateTime.Now.Hour;
	//Random Clips
	//public AudioClip[] darknessDetectedVoices;
	//public AudioClip[] brightnessDetectedVoices;

	public AudioClip[] BrightnessAudioClips;
	public AudioClip[] DarknessAudioClips;

	//DTMF Tones
	public AudioClip DTMFtone01;
	public AudioSource source;

	//UI Text Reference
	//public Text MessageCentreText;

	//_isPlayingSound is true when a sound is currently playing - just as the name suggests.
	private bool _isPlayingSound;

	public GameObject LightSlider;
	public Slider slider;
	Slider lightSlider;
	public static Sending sending;

    //public static SerialPort sp = new SerialPort("COM4", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
	public static SerialPort sp = new SerialPort("/dev/cu.wchusbserial1420", 115200); //115200

	public string message2;

	//Button States
	bool button01State = false;

	void Awake () {
		if (sending == null) {
			DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
			sending = this;
		} else if (sending != this) {
			Destroy (gameObject);

	float timePassed = 0.0f;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		lightSlider = GetComponent<Slider> ();
		if(slider == null) slider = GetComponent<Slider>(); // search slider in this object if its not set in unity inspector
		if(source == null) source = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); // search audiosource in this object if its not set in unity inspector

	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {


			//print("BytesToRead" +sp.BytesToRead);
			message2 = sp.ReadLine();
		//	timePassed = 0.0f;

		/*if (message2!="") {
			//MessageCentreText.text = "LIGHT VALUE CHANGED";
		string message = sp.ReadLine(); //get the message...
		if(message == "") return; //if its empty stop right here
		// parse the input to a float and normalize it (range 0..1) (we could do this already in the Arduino)
		// I dont know if a higher value means darker, if so add a "1 - " right after the "="

		float input = /* 1 - */ float.Parse (message) / 100f;
		// set the slider to the value
		slider.value = input;
		// after the slider is updated, we can check for the other things for example play sounds:

		if (source.isPlaying) return; // if we are playing a sound stop here

		// else check if we need to play a sound and do it
		if (slider.value > 0.8f)
			source.PlayOneShot (BrightnessAudioClips [Random.Range (0, BrightnessAudioClips.Length)]);
		else if (slider.value < 0.2f)
			source.PlayOneShot (DarknessAudioClips [Random.Range (DarknessAudioClips.Length)]);



	public void OpenConnection() 
       if (sp != null) 
         if (sp.IsOpen) 
          print("Closing port, because it was already open!");
          sp.Open();  // opens the connection
          sp.ReadTimeout = 16;  // sets the timeout value before reporting error
          print("Port Opened!");
		//		message = "Port Opened!";
         if (sp.IsOpen)
          print("Port is already open");
          print("Port == null");

    void OnApplicationQuit() 

	//Movie Player Toggle
    public static void sendYellow(){

	//Analyzer Toggle
	public static void sendYellow2(){

	//Pod 7DLA Toggle
	public static void sendYellow3(){

	//Pod PENG Toggle
	public static void sendYellow4(){

	//Pod 6RM Toggle
	public static void sendYellow5(){

	//Pod Laser Toggle
	public static void sendYellow6(){

	//Auto Phone Toggle
    public static void sendGreen(){


	//Oil Slick Toggle
	public static void sendRed(){

	//Surveillance Mode Toggle
	public static void sendBlue(){ 
	//Scanner Toggle
	public static void sendRed2(){

	//Fog Lights Toggle
	public static void sendGreen2(){

	//Head Lights Toggle
	public static void sendGreen3(){

	//Hight Beams Toggle
	public static void sendWhite(){

	//Rear Hatch Popper
	public static void sendPulse1(){
	//Grappling Hook Launch
	public static void sendPulse2(){

	//Auto Doors Right Pulse
	public static void sendPulse3(){

	//Auto Doors Left Pulse
	public static void sendPulse4(){

	//Startup and Shutdown Pulse
	public static void sendPulse5(){

	/*void lightMeUp(string message){
		//If there is a sound currently playing, return immediately so we don't play another sound simultaneously.
		//if(_isPlayingSound) is shorthand for if(_isPlayingSound == true), in case you where wondering.
		if (_isPlayingSound)
		print (message);
		float fl = float.Parse (message) / 100.0f;
		fl = 1.0f - fl;
		LightSlider.GetComponent<Slider>().value = fl;
		//Do something Here if Light Value / UI Slide on the LDR is near Darkness

		if (LightSlider.GetComponent<Slider> ().value <= 0.1) {
			//Pick a random sound.
			AudioClip randomClip = darknessDetectedVoices [UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, darknessDetectedVoices.Length)];
			//Play that sound.
			GetComponent<AudioSource> ().PlayOneShot (randomClip);
			//Flag that we are currently playing a sound.
			_isPlayingSound = true;
			//Start a coroutine that will set the flag to false once the sound stops playing, so we can start playing a new sound.
			StartCoroutine (RunResetIsPlayingSoundFlag (randomClip.length));
			if (_isPlayingSound)
		//Do Something Here if the Light Value on the LDR is near Daylight brightness
		else if (LightSlider.GetComponent<Slider> ().value >= 0.6) {
			//Pick a random sound.
			AudioClip randomClip2 = brightnessDetectedVoices [UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, brightnessDetectedVoices.Length)];
			//Play that sound.
			GetComponent<AudioSource> ().PlayOneShot (randomClip2);
			//Flag that we are currently playing a sound.
			_isPlayingSound = true;
			//Start a coroutine that will set the flag to false once the sound stops playing, so we can start playing a new sound.
			StartCoroutine (RunResetIsPlayingSoundFlag (randomClip2.length));
			if (_isPlayingSound)
		//BONUS if Possible Do something if the LDR is deliberately played with like waving hand over or blocking and un blocking the sensor.

	private IEnumerator RunResetIsPlayingSoundFlag(float soundDuration)
		//Wait until the sound finishes playing.
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(soundDuration);
		//yield return new WaitForSeconds(10.0f);
		//Disable the _isPlayingSound flag, so we can play a new sound since this one is over.
		_isPlayingSound = false;
	}	*/

	//Comlink Clock Close Button
	public void  GoMainScreen(){
	IEnumerator LoadT3(){
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.0f); // wait time



Ok, to provide an acceptable answer to the Question “How do you map an Arduino-measured light intensity to a unity slider” (or something like that)

Step 1: Arduino

Based on this Arduino Tutorial: Arduino: Read Analog Voltage and this video tutorial

we write a script looking like this:

int lightSensorPin = 0;
int lightSensorValue = 0;

void loop(){ 
    // read the new light value (in range 0..1023): 
    int sensorValue = analogRead(lightSensorPin);
    // if the value changed by 10
    if(lightSensorValue - sensorValue > 10 || sensorValue - lightSensorValue > 10){
        lightSensorValue = sensorValue; // save the new value
        float p = lightSensorValue * (100.0 / 1023.0);    // make the value to range 0..100
                                                                                          // the Parentheses may be for compiler optimization idk  
        Serial.println(p); // send it to unity

One may want to check out to adjust the script

Step 2: Unity

We need a Component with the following script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class SliderTest : MonoBehaviour {

    public Slider slider;
    public AudioSource source;

    public AudioClip[] BrightnessAudioClips;
    public AudioClip[] DarknessAudioClips;

    public static SerialPort sp = new SerialPort("COM4", 9600);

	void Start () {
	    if(slider == null) slider = GetComponent<Slider>(); // search slider in this object if its not set in unity inspector
	    if(source == null) source = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); // search audiosource in this object if its not set in unity inspector
	void Update () {
        string message = sp.ReadLine(); // get the message...
        if(message == "") return; // if its empty stop right here

        // parse the input to a float value and normalize it (range 0..1) (we could do this already in the arduino)
        // i dont know if a higher value means darker, if so add a "1 - " right after the "=" 
        float input = /* 1 - */ float.Parse(message) / 100f;

        // set the slider to the value
	    slider.value = input;

        // after the slider is updated, we can check for other things for example play sounds:        
	    if(source.isPlaying) return; // if we are already playing a sound stop here

        // else check if we need to play a sound and do it
	    if(slider.value > 0.8f) source.PlayOneShot(BrightnessAudioClips[Random.Range(0, BrightnessAudioClips.Length)]);
        else if(slider.value < 0.2f) source.PlayOneShot(DarknessAudioClips[Random.Range(0, DarknessAudioClips.Length)]);



Well i really hope your problem is solved by this

Can’t you just do an if statement based on lightSlider.value?

In response to the above suggestions, are your Slider’s min and max set to 0 and 1? Do you have “Whole Numbers” toggled on the Slider? If so, you’ll never get a value of 0.5.
If your values are set differently than 0 and 1 and you still want to check to see if it’s at 50%, just use a Lerp, like this:

if (LightSlider.GetComponent ().value >= Mathf.Lerp(LightSlider.GetComponent().minValue, LightSlider.GetComponent().maxValue, 0.5))

Also, if you’re operating on the Slider component often, it’d be better to store it as a variable somewhere at the beginning to save CPU. GetComponent can be a heavy operation if used too often, and it’ll reduce the amount of code, to something more like this:

Slider mySlider = LightSlider.GetComponent();

if mySlider.value >= Mathf.Lerp(mySlider.minValue, mySlider.maxValue, 0.5))