Get Variable From A Script Attached To a Prefab

Hi, all! I like to make my scripts modular… I like to make one script that works for all instances and objects that might use it so that I simply have to set up parameters for it. That’s why I love Unity :wink:

I have a script attached to a prefab. Four different prefabs will have this script, but the variable ‘x1’ in each prefab will be different. From a script attached to the main camera, I would like to get the variable ‘x1’ from the script from Each Prefab. I do not know how to do this, though, because the prefab may not be spawned. I just need it to automatically reference the prefab, and then the script attached to it as a component, and then get the variable for each of the four. How would I go about doing this?

Thanks- YA. (Please tell me if I made this over complicated :stuck_out_tongue: )

I think the answer to your question depends on how your prefabs exist in your scene in relation to the other objects.

  • Will they have a name that you can predict?

  • How will they be created?

  • Is there a reason why you can't attach your prefabs to your camera script directly?

It's hard to say (without knowing a little more about your scenario), but I would normally say the easiest way would be the last option.

If the script with the x1 variable is a file named SomeFunkyScript.js, you can add the following to the top of your camera script (the script that is attached to your camera):

/* this can be any object with a SomeFunkyScript attached to it.    */
/* you can assign it in the Inspector by dragging and dropping      */

public var funkyObject  :  SomeFunkyScript;

/* you can now reference funkyObject's variables and functions */

function Update ()
    if ( funkyObject != null ) {
        Debug.Log("Funky Object x1: " + funkyObject.x1);

    else {
        Debug.LogWarning("Funky Object is null.");





Better yet, you could declare an array of SomeFunkyScript objects like this:

public var funkyObjectArray  :  SomeFunkyScript [];

function Update ()
    var count : int = 0;

    /* print x1 value for each item in the array */

    for ( var thisFunk : SomeFunkyScript in funkyObjectArray ) {
        Debug.Log("Item " + count + " x1 value: " + thisFunk.x1);
        count ++;

This would allow you to drag and drop multiple objects onto the slot in the Inspector named Funky Object Array.

You can drag any GameObject onto the slot that has a SomeFunkyScript script attached to it.

Hope this helps.

Thank you. Yes, every prefab is attached to the camera, because I use the variable to instantiate this. Will try it out and say what happens!
Thanks! (hopefully :P)- YA

Thank you much! It worked out just fine. Works perfectly, actually! :wink: