getComponentsInChildren counts fail after child destroying?

I call getComponentsInChildren after destroying some children and i obtain a wrong list of elements…
This is the metacode:

    // my list of components
    public List<Tile> tiles;
	void Awake ()

        // here i destroy some childs 
		RaycastHit hit;
		if (Physics.Raycast (new Vector3 (1, 1, 1), Vector3.down * 2f, out hit))
			Destroy (hit.transform.gameObject);
         // and here the getComponentsInChildren fails. I obtain a List with a Missing component in place of the destroyed child...

		foreach (Tile t in transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Tile>())
			tiles.Add (t);

Any hints?

robertbu point me to the right way!

The problem was that in the same frame i can’t destroy & count the same child objects!
I make Destroy cycle & count cycle subroutines running one after other and now everything work in the right way!

Thank you!