Hi guys, i know that alot of questions appear about this subject but i cant find a proper answer. Im using click to move (left button) to move my player over the map and i want it to attack with the same key if enemy is target with OnMouseOver function, applying the proper animations (using animator), so if player is in range attack, if not move until in range and give the 1st attack. The problem i found is, click to move works perfect (i use navmesh) but when i try to attack all kinds of stuff happen, or i move to the potion and player dont attack, or animation dont work, or i attack and give damage but at same time i move or push enemy backā¦ and im trying all this things for long time now. So what i would like to know is the best way to implement this, im nost ask for full codes, some tips or examples should be nice.
Appreciate ur time,