Getters issue...

in the file teste.js —>

class happy

private var _x : float = 0.0;
function get x () : float { return _x; }
function set x (value : float)
	Debug.Log("hey someone set the x value using an equals sign! whoa!");
	_bar = value;

function Start()
	Debug.Log("getters and setters in Unityscript are easy and happy");

All no problem. But, if you do this

in the file teste.js —>

var x:int;

it makes a variable “x” in the ingenious “Inspector” (Apple-3) panel of the Unity3D Editor. Great.

You can guess what I’m going to ask … How can I basically do this …

functionOrWhatever setOrWhatever x
  Debug.Log("hey, somebody changed x, perhaps in the Inspector!");
  x = x whatever;

in other words, how to do the getters / setters for the “magic’d” variables in the “implicit” classes in Unityscript

{by “implicit” I just mean the feature where if you can just blurt out code using the magic where the filename becomes the class, etc etc – I don’t actually know what the term is, if any, for that sloppy magic in Unity javascript files}

Or, in a word - if for some reason it’s not possible to get at those getters/setters, quite simply

how to know if someone has changed x in the Editor Inspector window?

Sorry for yet another ultra-lame Unityscript question.

You can only see public vars in the inspector.

But! There’s a solution.

Build a custom editor for your class:

“ClassNameEditor.js” - goes in a folder named “Editor”


class ClassNameEditor extends Editor {
	function OnInspectorGUI() {
		var x : int = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Ecks", target.ecks);
		if ( x < 0 ) x = 0;
		target.ecks = x;

“target” always refers to the currently-being-edited-in-the-Inspector ClassName object, so if ClassName is:

private var ecks : int;

You now have total control over ‘ecks’ but the user thinks they own it. Also that code just prevents negative numbers being entered.