So I’m messing around with raycasting and making my player detect collisions on the right and left sides (it already detects above and below), and I’ve just gotten 222 errors, all saying “Scene::raycastClosestShape: The maximum distance must be greater than zero!
UnityEngine.Physics:Raycast(Ray, RaycastHit&, Single, Int32)
PlayerPhysics:Move(Vector2) (at Assets/Game Game Game/Scripts/PlayerPhysics.cs:73)
PlayerController:Update() (at Assets/Game Game Game/Scripts/PlayerController.cs:39)”. Here is the script for the PlayerPhysics:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
[RequireComponent (typeof(BoxCollider))]
public class PlayerPhysics : MonoBehaviour {
public LayerMask collisionMask;
private BoxCollider collider;
private Vector3 s;
private Vector3 c;
private float skin = .005f;
public bool grounded;
Ray ray;
RaycastHit hit;
void Start() {
collider = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
s = collider.size;
c = collider.center;
public void Move(Vector2 moveAmount) {
float deltaY = moveAmount.y;
float deltaX = moveAmount.x;
Vector2 p = transform.position;
// Check collisions above and below
grounded = false;
for (int i = 0; i<3; i ++) {
float dir = Mathf.Sign(deltaY);
float x = (p.x + c.x - s.x/2) + s.x/2 * i; // Left, centre and then rightmost point of collider
float y = p.y + c.y + s.y/2 * dir; // Bottom of collider
ray = new Ray(new Vector2(x,y), new Vector2(0,dir));
if (Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,Mathf.Abs(deltaY) * skin,collisionMask)) {
// Get Distance between player and ground
float dst = Vector3.Distance (ray.origin, hit.point);
// Stop player's downwards movement after coming within skin width of a collider
if (dst > skin) {
deltaY = dst * dir - skin * dir;
else {
deltaY = 0;
grounded = true;
// Check collisions left and right
for (int i = 0; i<3; i ++) {
float dir = Mathf.Sign(deltaX);
float x = p.x + c.x + s.x/2 * dir;
float y = p.y + c.y - s.y/2 + s.y/2 * i;
ray = new Ray(new Vector2(x,y), new Vector2(dir,0));
if (Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,Mathf.Abs(deltaX) + skin,collisionMask)) {
// Get Distance between player and ground
float dst = Vector3.Distance (ray.origin, hit.point);
// Stop player's downwards movement after coming within skin width of a collider
if (dst > skin) {
deltaX = dst * dir - skin * dir;
else {
deltaX = 0;
Vector2 finalTransform = new Vector2(deltaX,deltaY);
For reference, line 73 is “if (Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,Mathf.Abs(deltaX) + skin,collisionMask)) {”. Thanks!