Is there a way to get a int, string, float in a generic statement?
Such as:
public void DoSomething<T>(T value) where T: stuct
if (value.Type == string)
//do something
Or am I approaching this wrong? Should I use something else for this?
May 25, 2016, 5:15pm
You can check the type of the value with the is operator.
if (value is string) { ...}
else if (value is int) { ... }
else if (value is float) { ... }
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What are you trying to do? Whenever you have to do something different depending on a type there are often better ways of doing it than a bunch of if statements.
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I’m trying to sort out a string, int, and float. Is there a better way?
I mean what are you trying to accomplish once you know the type?
Saving it via playerPrefs, I think I’m doing it wrong though as it can’t save type T as a float,int,string.
public static void Save <T>(string what, T value)
if (value is float)
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("i" + what, value);
Just create multiple methods…
void Save(string key, float value)
void Save(string key, int value)
... etc...
The methods look the same when you call them…
Save("myfloat", 1.0f);
Save("myInt", 1);
The compiler will pick the appropriate one for you depending on the data type.
I never new you could do that! Thanks!
Yep, methods can have the same name as long as the parameters are different in number and/or type - it has to be a unique “method signature”.
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I probably should rewatch alot of those tutorials about scripting… I always forget things like this (and syntax for a coroutine)!
May 27, 2016, 3:21pm
Is there a way to get a int, string, float in a generic statement?
Such as:
public void DoSomething<T>(T value) where T: stuct
if (value.Type == string)
//do something
Or am I approaching this wrong? Should I use something else for this?
System.String (string), System.Single (float), and System.Int32 (int) all implement the IConvertible interface. So:
public void DoSomething<T>(T value) where T : IConvertible {
is probably what you want.
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