Hi’ I’ve got these classes:
A component MyClass
public MyClass : Monobehaviour
public Vector3[] positionList;
private MyData = null;
void OnEnable()
if (MyData == null)
MyData = new MyData(this);
And a class for its data:
public MyData
private int intData = 0;
private MyClass ownerClass = null;
public MyData(MyClass myClass)
ownerClass = myClass;
public int IntData
get{return intData;}
intData = value;
gameObject.transform.position = GetPosition(value);
private Vector3 GetWorldPosition(int value)
return ownerClass.positionList[value];
And an editor class:
public class MyClassEditor : Editor
private SerializedObject myClassSO;
private MyClass myClass;
void OnEnable () {
myClassSO = new SerializedObject(target);
myClass = (MyClass)target;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
myClass.MyData.IntData = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Position type: ", myClass.MyData.IntData);
It’s just a simplification of the real class. But what I wanted to do is to have a custom editor that will change a data by using a property of the variable. In its property, I wanted to also change the transform.position of the gameObject, that’s why I also set the value of the MyClass object that has / owns this data in the constructor of MyData. This code works when I pressed play. I can change the value of MyData.IntData and the transform.position of the gameObject just fine. However, in the editor mode, it didn’t work because the ownerClass instance is null. Unfortunately, I also need it in the editor so I can change it without having to press play to see the result. So how do I do it?
Thanks in advance.