Getting at raw imported audio data via AssetDatabase.

Is there any way to get at the raw bytes that are created by the import process? We have a customized editor based bundle creation tool and I want to use the converted WAV->OGG bytes from the import process that Unity caches (as opposed to using Vorbis command line tools) to then write the OGG bytes into an OGG file to a well know location as part of the bundling process.

I get that I can mark the assets as OGG/Stream from disc in the editor and it will create a multi-part RIFF file to access like that but that’s not what we want to do.

None of the AssetDatabase methods seem to deal in bytes so is there any other way to do this?

Edit: Also it looks like dealing with the asset in the Library/cache folder is not useful as it appears to be some (non .NET) object serialization scheme? Does anyone know what format these are?

After some brute force perusing through the editor APIs looks like EditorUtility.ExtractOggFile does the trick. Seems like a little of an odd place for it but it works. Here is a simple code example to demonstrate for searchers later on

[MenuItem("Assets/Export OGG")]
public static void ExportOgg()
	    UnityEngine.Object[] oggAsset = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(UnityEngine.Object), SelectionMode.TopLevel);

There is also the new ability build into the engine but of course this comes with some caveats.

  • The “StreamingAssets” folder seems to
    only be recognized in the root
    level unlike the “Resources”

  • The files are moved untouched from
    their original format. So I wanted
    Unity’s OGG output for a given WAV
    original, this will not work for me.
    It plops the WAV into the
    StreamingAssets folder in the game.
    Sometimes this is what you might want
    and sometimes it’s not. It seems to me
    that this is a feature; the file should
    obey the import settings in the inspector
    even for streaming.