getting enemys to follow character.

right iv got my enemy following my characters when he comes into range. im using two scripts:

var player : GameObject; var speed : float = 1;

function Start () { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

 if (!player)
      Debug.Log ("ERROR could not find Player!");


function Update() { if (!player) return;

 var distance = Vector3.Distance( player.transform.position, transform.position);

 if ( distance < 20  )
      Debug.Log ("player is close");

      var delta = player.transform.position - transform.position;

      var moveSpeed = speed * Time.deltaTime;

      transform.position = transform.position + (delta * moveSpeed);
      Debug.Log("not close yet " + distance);



var minimumRunSpeed = 2.0;

function Start () { // Set all animations to loop animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

animation["idle"].layer = -1;
animation["walk"].layer = -1;



function SetSpeed (speed : float) { if (speed > minimumRunSpeed) animation.CrossFade("walk"); else animation.CrossFade("idle"); }

my enemy follows me but im stuck with a few things, hoping someone can help me out. first of all the enemy doesn't face me, secondly i dont know how to get his animations playing (i have 2 animations idle, and walk) and he walks through objects too. all help appreciated

you can write a much simpler code

var player:GameObject;
function Update()
transform.LookAt (player.transform); //you look at player with this
transform.Translate (0,0,speed*Time.deltaTime); //moves with speed in local z and you are looking toward him so you move toward the player
//write other codes here

i don't understand your question about animations but you can start walk animation when you move with CrossFade method and start idle when you don't move.