Getting entries for one player across all leaderboards

In my game, I have a view showing the player’s progress acrosslevels, as is common in many games:

I would like to show their score, rank & tier for every level, each having their own leaderboard.

However, this would soon create a lot of requests, eating through the limitation of 500 requests per MAU:

Let’s say my game had 30 levels, a realistic number. Now each time the user opens the levels menu, they would cause 30 requests.

It would be great to have a new request endpoint that instead of getting entries of multiple players for one leaderboard, would get multiple entries of one player for all leaderboards.

I was thinking about a workaround by saving these in CloudSave, but their rank & tier would get outdated.

Also, I think this is a very common use case, so it would make sense not to make every developer code a workaround.

Best, Jan


We’re using leaderboard ranks to unlock perks, since this requires that we make a request per leaderboard we’ve had to limit the number of leaderboards in the game due to this limitation.