Our game uses the NiceVibrations plugin for haptic feedback, and the Facebook Unity SDK for user login.
After updating the Facebook Unity SDK to version to 13.2.0, we suddenly get a Parse Error in Xcode.
It marks these 3 lines inside the “UnityFramework-Swift.h” file with an “Expected a type” error:
+ (void)RegisterHapticEngineResetCallbackWithCallback:(HapticCallback _Nonnull)callback;
+ (void)RegisterHapticEngineErrorCallbackWithCallback:(HapticCallback _Nonnull)callback;```
The ```UnityFramework-Swift.h``` file is used by the ```FBUnitySDKDelegate.h``` file, which is then used by ```FBUnityInterface.mm``` file.
Screenshot (click to enlarge):
Our other games that still use version 11.0 of the Facebook Unity SDK don't get that error. I've also looked at the "UnityFramework-Swift.h" file for those games and didn't see those lines. In fact, there are no lines related to NiceVibrations in the entire "UnityFramework-Swift.h" file.
Has anybody come across this issue before?