Getting error related to NiceVibrations plugin after using Facebook Unity SDK

Our game uses the NiceVibrations plugin for haptic feedback, and the Facebook Unity SDK for user login.

After updating the Facebook Unity SDK to version to 13.2.0, we suddenly get a Parse Error in Xcode.

It marks these 3 lines inside the “UnityFramework-Swift.h” file with an “Expected a type” error:

+ (void)RegisterHapticEngineResetCallbackWithCallback:(HapticCallback _Nonnull)callback;
+ (void)RegisterHapticEngineErrorCallbackWithCallback:(HapticCallback _Nonnull)callback;```

The ```UnityFramework-Swift.h``` file is used by the ```FBUnitySDKDelegate.h``` file, which is then used by `````` file.

Screenshot (click to enlarge):

Our other games that still use version 11.0 of the Facebook Unity SDK don't get that error. I've also looked at the "UnityFramework-Swift.h" file for those games and didn't see those lines. In fact, there are no lines related to NiceVibrations in the entire "UnityFramework-Swift.h" file.

Has anybody come across this issue before?

I’ve got exactly the same problem

I haven’t found a solution for this yet so I just downgraded back to FB SDK v11.0 in the meantime.

Hi, did you find a solution?

Did you find any solution so far?
We use FB 11 but still get the same issue

did anyone find any solution so far?

Exactly the same problem.
Unity 2019.4.36f1
NiceVibration Unity SDK v3.9
Facebook Unity SDK v14.1

Anybody find a solution? I’ve tried Facebook SDK v12, 14.1 and 15 but they all generate the same error. I did nothing other than add the Facebook SDK and add my app info in the Facebook Settings.

did you manage to figure it out?

I’m guessing this is the same error you’re talking about ?

I also have the NiceVibrations plugin, but in my case Xcode complains on the Facebook side.

Using Unity 2021.3.23
FacebookSDK 16.01

Any suggestions? I’ve been fighting with this for hours,
Thanks in advance