Getting game logic object from GameObject

I have all my game logic contained within a GameManager class and I’m only using Unity as a graphics and input engine. None of my prefabs have any Unity components relating to behaviour (as that’s all contained within GameManager). Background : I’m porting an old game from XNA to Unity.

I’m using raycasting within Unity to get a GameObject from the scene when ever the mouse clicks it, this works fine and I’m able to access all components of the GameObject.

public GameObject GetRayCastGameObject()
	RaycastHit hitInfo;
	Ray ray = mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

	Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo);

	if (hitInfo.transform != null)
		return hitInfo.transform.gameObject;

	return null;

However I’m having difficulty in translating that GameObject into an object I hold programatically in a manager class.

Specifically :

I have a PlayField class that holds an array of Blocks[X, Y]. When I click on a block in the scene I want to take that reference I have to the GameObject and pass it into my PlayField class to ‘damage’ the block in Blocks[X, Y].

Conversely the other way round, when creating a block, I can do quite easily. I take the raycast on a mouse click, find where it’s hit in the scene (Vector3) and create a new Block within the Playfield class. This then raises a domain event to instantiate a new Block from a prefab at that location.

var woodenCrateCreatedDomainEvent = new WoodenCrateCreatedDomainEvent(this.inputManager.GetRayCastLocation(), this.PlayerPosition.rotation);

One solution I have thought of is to havean Identity component on every Block which will just be a GUID. I could then use GameObject.GetComponent() to retrieve the GUID and pass it into a Playfield.DamageBlock(string GUID) method. However this would mean that the Playfield class would have to lookup a GUID match in its list of Blocks to find the Block object that is hit, and when you have thousands of Blocks this will be quite slow - string matching over thousands and thousands of objects isn’t exactly fast.

Is there a better way / a de facto way of translating from a Unity scene GameObject into an object that I hold within the core game logic memory ?

Sudo code :

GameManager (empty Unity component with GameManager script) initialises.
GameManager (script C# code) constructor called.
GameManager initialises private class PlayField.
GameManager (script C# code) StartUp() method called by Unity.
GameManager calls PlayField.Generate()
PlayField creates a private array of `Blocks[X, Y]` blocks and holds these in memory.
PlayField calls UnityEngine.Instantiate("Block", position, rotation) for each `Block` in `Blocks[X, Y]`

Now the blocks exist in the game logic (in PlayField as Blocks[X, Y]) and as a visual GameObject in Unity

Game runs… and player in Unity clicks a block :

GameManager does ray tracing to find which Unity `GameObject` it is (as "gameObject")
GameManager matches `GameObject` to a game logic `Block` in the PlayField `Blocks[X, Y]` array 
// How to do previous step as `GameObject` holds no information about `Block` in game logic or visa versa
GameManager updates game logic to perform action on `Block` e.g. reduces health
GameManager checks to see if `Block` is dead
GameManager removes `Block` from `Blocks[X, Y]` removing it from the game logic
GameManager calls UnityEngine.Destroy("gameObject") removing it from the graphics and input engine (Unity)

The one I can’t seem to figure out is the “GameManager matches GameObject to a Block” step as it goes across from the Unity domain to the game logic domain.

If I understood you correctly,you could try making the PlayField class a singleton and add it on an empty gameobject in the scene.That way you can reference it from anywhere without looking it up.Then when the raycast gets you an object that holds a Block component you can call PlayField.Instance.GetThisBlockAndDoWhatever(hitBlock).

GameObject go = GetRayCastGameObject();

Block hitBlock = go.GetComponent<Block>();
if(hitBlock != null){