Getting impact force when 2 colliders hit

Hello, what is a good way to apply this?
I need a way to check the amount of impact when 2 colliders hit, and call the break object function if the force is on a certain threshold.

I looked into the docs, I found this Unity - Scripting API: Collision.impulse

But there is no example on how to apply it correctly.

The Collision class is passed to the events OnCollisionEnter, OnCollisionStay and OnCollisionExit. You can write your code inside any of these and check the amount of impact that caused the collision. The actual force is just the impact divided by the time step, as stated in the docs.

Something like this:

void OnCollisionEnter (Collision collision)
    Debug.Log("Impact force: " + (collision.impact / Time.fixedDeltaTime));