Getting integer

Hi. I have a timer built and I have it setup to be a float number that gets displayed in a gui.

My problem is that the number (for example, 60) gets displayed as a number like 60.0000 and I don’t want that. I want to set up the gui to display only the integer and not the whole decimal number. How would you do that? :?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

var minsDisplay : int = _timer / 60;
var secondsDisplay : int = _timer % 60;

Then when displaying in the label or whatever use the formatting of ToString(…) to display them without decimal values, etc:

GUI.Label(myRect, minsDisplay.ToString("0") + ":" + secondsDisplay.ToString("00") );

And so on as needed.


Thanks for that Jeremy!

For the record, all I needed was the ToString (“00”); class. Thanks, I didn’t know you could use it like that! :smile:

Yeah, figured I’d give you both, also for anyone else who “wandered by” later. :wink:

You can do a lot of other handy string formatting tricks with ToString(…) as well.

Here is a list of some of the built-in numeric formatters:
