Getting mouse sensitivity ?

I am trying to find out if there is any way to get the sensitivity values in the input manager. I did not see anything on the forums or in the API.


Mouse Sensivity can at best be received from the OS itself (if at all, not fully sure), though I don’t see why you would need it as game mouse sensivity are meant to scale the regular mouse sensivity for the actual game they are beeing set.

If you want to have in game sensitivity settings, you can implement support for it on all mouse inputs (simple multiplication)

I want to find mouse sensitivity for a RTS camera I made as a more elegant solution then having a single sensitivity variable that does not scale based on in game mouse sensitivity. I don’t use mouse input but rather mouse position.

This seems like really basic stuff I can’t believe there is not a outcry for this support.

I know that Input.GetAxis(“Mouse X”) and Input.GetAxis(“Mouse Y”) are multiplied by the in game sensitivity but this does not work in all cases. like mine where I don’t use Input.GetAxis.