Getting Null reference Exception./How to solve this

hi,I am getting error report as"Null reference Exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an object",Error from the line in BOLD format…Plz help:face_with_spiral_eyes:

Void update()
if(_c==true )
RayProductn();//production of ray and show at manager , the way where we can move the cube

public void RayProductn()

Debug.Log(“Inside RayChk _CurrentObject”+ _CurrentObject);
// Debug.Log(“ob”;
Ray ray1 = new Ray(_CurrentObject.position,_CurrentObject.transform.right );//produce ray in 4 directions
Ray ray2 = new Ray(_CurrentObject.position,_CurrentObject.transform.right* -1);
Ray ray3 = new Ray(_CurrentObject.position,_CurrentObject.transform.up*-1);
Ray ray4 = new Ray(_CurrentObject.position,_CurrentObject.transform.up);





It is better for people to help you if you use code tags. Makes it easier to read and also the error is? Screen shot and the exact error also helps because it points directly to the line that the error happens.
Besides that… is there a space with transform in your RayProductn ()? I can’t tell on my phone.