I made a GameObject array to keep track of the current enemies for easy referencing, however I cannot get it to work right. It seems like everything is in order, and I can compile and play, but I get the NullReferenceException error when I play.
I am trying to create a script for platforms that the characters can pass through the bottom of.
The three errors I get are
NullReferenceException: Object
reference not set to an instance of an
object EnemySpawn.Start () (at
Assets/Scripts/Enemy/EnemySpawn.js:18)NullReferenceException: Object
reference not set to an instance of an
object Passable Platform.Update () (at
Platform.js:18)NullReferenceException: Object
reference not set to an instance of an
object EnemySpawn.Start () (at
And the Scripts are
var spawn : Transform;
var spawnAtStart : boolean = false;
var self : GameObject;
var spawnedBool : boolean = false;
var myClone : GameObject;
var myCloneHealthScript : EnemyHealth;
var cloneBool : boolean = true;
var myCloneFollowScript : EnemyFollow;
var player : GameObject;
var StatisticsScript : Statistics;
function Start(){
player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
StatisticsScript = player.GetComponent(Statistics);
for (var i = 0; i <= StatisticsScript.enemyCount.Length; i++)
if(StatisticsScript.enemyCount != GameObject) {
StatisticsScript.enemyCount *= gameObject;*
function Update () {
- if(spawnAtStart == true){*
spawnAtStart = false;*
spawnedBool = true;*
if(spawnedBool == false){*
spawnedBool = true; *
Spawn(); *
function Spawn() {
spawnedBool = true;*
myClone = Instantiate(self, spawn.position, Quaternion.identity);*
myClone.name = “Clone”;*
myCloneHealthScript = myClone.GetComponent(EnemyHealth);*
myCloneHealthScript.cloneCheck = cloneBool;*
myCloneFollowScript = myClone.GetComponent(EnemyFollow);*
myCloneFollowScript.cloneCheck = cloneBool;*
--------------------------Passable Platform.js-------------------------------
var StatisticsScript : Statistics;
function Update () {
- player = GameObject.FindWithTag(“Player”);*
- StatisticsScript = player.GetComponent(Statistics);*
_ /* if the player is made up of more than one collider, you’d_
need to iterate over the colliders and use playerBounds.Encapsulate()*/
for(var i = 0; i <= StatisticsScript.enemyCount.Length; i++)
_ enemyBounds = StatisticsScript.enemyCount*.collider.bounds;_
_ enemyCheck(enemyBounds, StatisticsScript.enemyCount);*_
playerBounds = player.collider.bounds;
* playerCheck();*
function playerCheck(){
* //check bottom of player to see if it is above the platform*
if(playerBounds.min.y >= collider.bounds.max.y)
* Debug.Log(“player is above platform”);*
//make the platform solid
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 10, false);
* Debug.Log(“player is below platform”);*
//turn off platform collision
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 10, true);
function enemyCheck(enemyBounds : Bounds, enemy : GameObject){
* if(enemyBounds.min.y >= collider.bounds.max.y)*
* {*
* Physics.IgnoreCollision(collider, enemy.collider, false);*
* }else{*
* Physics.IgnoreCollision(collider, enemy.collider,true);*
* }*
----------The relevant script from Statistics.js----------
static var enemyCount : GameObject[];