Getting number of connected players when you are the server.


If I poll the hostlist from the masterserver, then I can easily retrieve the information about all available servers and their name + connected players and max connections.


Once I let my program BE the server, I would like to be able to see how many clients are currently connected to me.

Is there a way to ask unity how many clients are connected to me (as a server?).

I’d like to have a message showing “There are currently X players connected to you”

But I don’t really poll the hostlist for that. It is rather local.

Any idea somebody ?

Kind regards,


var numOfConnectedPlayers = Network.connections.Length;


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Ah thanks,

Didn’t think of going to look there…

Network.connections.length doesn’t seem to work in C#, how would you get around it? At least I can’t seem to get it working in Leepos awesome networking tutorial.

Thank you!

It doesn’t work in C#? Unusual. Please post some code.

the length of an array is the value in Length in C# / .NET actually, js just has a deprecated alias (not sure its still there) for it and thus can use length.

GUILayout.Label("Connections: " + Network.connections.length);

or even a line like:

if (Network.connections.length >= 1)

error CS0117: UnityEngine.NetworkPlayer[ ]' does not contain a definition for length’

The above line of code works fine in JS.

Thank you!


In C# it’s capital L length. Just one of those quirks.

Thank you appreciate it!