Getting pixel data from image byte array

I’m using the Vuforia sdk and getting a byte array of image data with with the mCameraDevice.GetCameraImage(mPixelFormat); Meathod. The pixel format I see used most is RGB888

I’m having a difficult time deciphering how to use the byte array. My goal is to sample pixel color at specific (x,y) positions so Ideally I’d like to write a meathod that accepts and (x,y) and can return the Color of that pixel using the byte array. Can anyone point me to an example of how this can be done or some documentation on converting byte array to useable pixel information?

Also, I have asked this same question on the vuforia forums here

The Texture2D has a function called LoadImage(byte byteArray)
Once loaded, Texture2D also has GetPixel(int x, int y) that returns the color of the pixel at that coordinate.


GetPixel(): Unity - Scripting API: Texture2D.GetPixel