Getting PolyBrush to work with fbx ?

I’ve noticed that polyBrush doesn’t work with fbx files but it does work with obj files. That was all fine, but now i have to use multiple uv sets and that is not supported with obj. So is there a way or a setting that i have to check, when i export from maya in order for my fbx files to work with polybrush ? Or the format itself is just not supported ?

File type shouldn’t make any difference. This is just a guess but maybe you need to have read/write enabled in your import settings for that mesh? or possibly materials extracted?

Yeah … something is odd here. I’ve noticed that some models just don’t work while others do. I tried to export several very basic fbx models and none of them worked no matter what options i have used. So i thought it’s an fbx problem. Yesterday everything i exorted worked … without problem … Not sure what is happening here. Is it Maya or Unity … guess more testing is in order.
Thanks for the suggestions … will look in to it.

Ok from what i have seen, the problem is the scale option. Should be unchecked. When i did that, polybrush started to work again.
Thanks for the help.

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