I have an object which named “spaceship” and i’ve assigned a controller script to that object.
And i want to camera just follow its z axis. So other x and y axis won’t be applied to camera. This is what i want to do. But Unity gives NullReferenceException error. I’ve tried different variations but i failed to achieve.
Please help about that issue.
This is camera’s script:
function Update () { var pos = GameObject.Find("spaceship").transform.position.z; var poskam = GameObject.Find("MainCamera").transform.position.z; poskam = pos; }
// This script moves the character
controller forward/// and sideways based on the arrow keys. /// It also jumps when pressing space. /// Make sure to attach a character controller to the same game
/// It is recommended that you make only one call to Move or
SimpleMove per frame.
var speed : float = 6.0; var jumpSpeed : float = 8.0; var gravity : float = 20.0; private var moveDirection : Vector3 = Vector3.zero; function Update() { var controller : CharacterController =
if (controller.isGrounded) { // We are grounded, so recalculate // move direction directly from axes moveDirection = Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"),
Input.GetAxis("Vertical")); moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection); moveDirection *= speed; if (Input.GetButton ("Jump")) { moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed; } } // Apply gravity moveDirection.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime; // Move the controller controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime); }