I have a car that goes left to right on a 2D plain that so far is behaving like I want it to, except for the fact that it can slide when changing direction without braking first. It’s not a realistic racing sim and for gameplay purposes when the car changes directions or accelerates it needs to respond as quickly as possible, with virtually zero slipping.
From what I understand so far about Wheel Colliders it’s the Forward Friction settings that control the tire grip, isn’t it? But I really don’t understand how it works and the Unity reference material is pretty vague for something as complex as it. Can anyone explain how exactly it works or know of any tutorials on it? Or have any kind of sollution on how to make the car as responsive as possible?
Well, forward friction is just applying forward. There is a side way friction too, which is applies sideways, so if there is enough side way friction, it won’t slip sideways. However, high side way fricion can cause the car flip over at high speed turning.
I’m not sure if you want this game as a 2D game or a 3D game with a car moving on a 2D plane. Maybe, you don’t even need wheel colliders! I can recommend you James Arndt’s Mobile Optimized Car. It doesn’t use wheel collider, just a box collider, it is easy to tweak and if you want, you can apply wheel collider to it. It uses forces to avoid slippery which is by my experiences, works well! You may also need downforce (depend on car’s speed) to avoid flipping over and put the center of mass lower.