Getting sharing violation error when compiling webGL project

has any one failed to compile a webGL project while getting this error?

Error building Player: IOException: Sharing violation on path Z:/_Dev/UnityTest/Assets/…/Temp/EmscriptenWork

Yes, I have my project on the Z drive. Originally it was in Mydocuments on the C drive but failed the same way. I’m guessing either im missing something important OR I failed to set some flags correctly. not sure…

The project has only 1 scene with a white sphere in it… very basic,no code … and yes, the scene has been added to the build. :slight_smile:

I got the same error both on Mac Os and Windows7 (Except, i used a cube and not a sphere in my scene)
Any idea how to fix it ?

@Dragonhill Can you provide the full Editor.log file, or submit a bug with this project? Based on this error, I’m not sure what the problem is, but a simple project like this should work. Thanks.