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You haven’t declared the variable “input”. I’m going to assume you meant “Input” with a capital I, instead of “input”. C# is case sensitive.
Same issue as before. You probably mean Vector3 instead of vector3. In addition you need declare a variable to assign the new Vector3 to.
Vector3 myVector3 = new Vector3();
Same thing again with the capitalization. “vector3” with a lowercase “v” might as well be written as “blahblahblahnotcorrect3” since neither of them are “Vector3”.
And here you are just misspelling DontRequireReceiver
Really you should be taking advantage of Visual Studio’s autocomplete functionality. It will suggest correct capitalization and spelling before you finish typing. Don’t just type it out incorrectly, but if you do type it incorrectly Visual Studio may not autocomplete it for you since nothing matches what you’re typing. That in itself should be a huge clue that you’re misspelling what you are typing before you even finish the line of code. But did you disable this functionality? Because in that image you should have all these errors point out in red by VS, but that isn’t happening.