getting the children of the first level in hierarchy

if i have this hierarchy:

     object a
      subobject a-1
      subgroup a-2
        subobject a-2-1
        subobject a-2-2
      subobject a-3
     object b
      subobject b-1
      subobject b-2
     object c
      subobject c-1
      subobject c-2

how to get the first level children with the parent being, for example, object a? if i use Array(objecta.GetComponentsInChildre(Transform)) then i get not only first level which is subobject a-1,subgroup a-2 and subobject a-3 but also children of the subgroup a-2

is there a way to get the first level children of given parent? thanks, any help appreciated!

Something like this:

Array array = new Array();

for (var child : Transform in objecta.transform)

public static Transform GetTopLevelChildren(Transform Parent)
Transform Children = new Transform[Parent.childCount];

    for (int ID = 0; ID < Parent.childCount; ID++)
        Children[ID] = Parent.GetChild(ID);

    return Children;

first level children:

    var g = Selection.activeGameObject;
    for (var child : Transform in g.transform) 

all children:

var g = Selection.activeGameObject;
var allChildren = g.GetComponentsInChildren(Transform);
for (var child : Transform in allChildren) {}

The transforms are returned in order of the top level downwards if you get all objects in the parent, so if you know the number of children that should be in the first level. i.e. 16, you can just cycle through objects 1-17 of the array… object 0 with be the parent.

so using that method, it’s possible to cound the first level childs using the first option, and then read from all transforms using that number + 1 to skip the parent.