Getting to BlobAssetReference on other entity

Im having some trouble accessing a BlobAssetReference.BlobArray from a parent entity on a different entity. Does anyone have an example on how to do this that I can look at? Thanks heaps in advance!!

    .ForEach((Entity entity, ref MyComponentA ca, in MyComponentB cb) =>
        // Get data from a BlobAssetReference.BlobArray on different entity or parent entity
        // and do some stuff

A BlobAssetReference is just a field in a component. It is no different than accessing a float3 from another entity. You just use GetComponent and dot access it.

Ok so noting wrong with adding the parent entity to the child and grabbing it from there ? What is the use case for blobPrt<> To get a pointer.

It is for referencing one part of the blob from another part inside a single large blob asset. For example, you could have a node graph, and each node could contain a BlobArray of BlobPtrs to adjacent nodes.