Getting to grips with the terrain engine

Hi guys, here’s my first terrain I was happy enough to put online :slight_smile:
This was really pushing the terrain engine to the limit and the draw calls sometimes hit about 2000 with the quality on full. I do have pixel lighting turned on and a but load of trees so that explains it I guess.

enjoy the view :slight_smile:

Nice work!

How long have you been using unity for? you working with it full time at the moment?

Hi Joe, only got into unity just after christmas but not using it full time yet, my work bought my license but I’m still waiting for them to spec a project that uses it. At the it is all actionscript development so just trying to learn bits and pieces of unity outside of work at the moment. The company I work for only deals in web games so unity still hasn’t got the penetration to really justify over a months worth of time on it just yet. I have a feeling with unity windows this will change rapidly tho.

Good job, guy. :smile: