Getting to Unity Pro Trial

When I download Unity from how do I get to Unity Pro Trial after I've downloaded it? It says Download Unity Now in a big blue button and underneath it says "Full Version and 30 day Unity Pro trial" I downloaded the Full Version of regular Unity but I never say anything about the trial anywhere. Help, please?

It is done through unity. You should goto the menu "Help" -> "Enter Serial Number...", select "Internet Activation" and press "Next". An internet browser will show you a page where you can activate your pro trial.

  1. Register with Unity
  2. Choose your license

Supply your contact information and then press the button below to start your 30 day trial.

When you first install Unity, you will be asked to activate a 30 day trial or enter a PRO serial number.

If a Unity trial has already been installed on your computer, and the trial has expired, you will get the message you mention that it has already been activated. Unity will default to the ‘light grey’ free version.

You know you are running the pro version if the interface is more of a ‘very dark grey’, almost black skin.

Another thing to check is when Unity ‘freezes’, make sure it is not trying to open your web browser in the registration page, often Unity will wait until you have entered the correct info in the registration web page, so check your browser windows too.

In Unity version 4 on the Mac you select the Unity menu option → Manage License → Activate New License then there’s a tick box to activate your 30 day trial.